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1. Ages and Stages Questionnaire – Social Emotional

Brookes Publishing


Early Childhood Investigations Webinar

  • Social-emotional Screening of Young Children: Early Identification is Essential to Healthy SEL (1.5 hour recorded free webinar)


2. Supporting Inclusive Practices


Good Overview of Several Practices - Frank Porter Graham Child Development Institute


“NPDCI has developed a document, Research Synthesis Points on Quality Inclusive Practices that provides brief descriptions and supporting references for the evidence-based and promising practices that support early childhood inclusion. These practices are organized into three major sections corresponding to the defining features of high quality early childhood inclusion as described in Early Childhood inclusion: A Joint Position Statement of the Division for Early Childhood (DEC) and the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC).


Locate resources to support inclusion through the use of these evidence-based practices at the links provided below. Resources are organized into 4 sections: Why Do It? (the evidence-base), Read About It (books, chapters, and articles), See For Yourself (videos and demonstrations), and Find It Online (websites with additional resources). The resources provided are only a sampling of the resources available on these practices.”


Evidence-Based Practices (EBP)

Matrix of Evidence-based Practices by Outcome and Age (that support children with Autism – and others)


Integrated Therapy


Embedded Instruction (see CDE Recommended Trainings list)

(Andi is looking at how to get this training and the costs)

Numerous practices supporting inclusive practices are addressed by Brookes Publishing – numerous books and web-based resources


3. Adaptations and Accommodations


CDE - Inclusion Works -

Brookes Publishing – see listing under Professional Development sites


4. Universal Design for Learning


Frank Porter Graham Child Development Institute:

Northampton Community College – Building Inclusive Childcare:

  • Universal Design video, DVD, checklist, and resources list


5. Behavior and the Use of Positive Behavioral Supports


Center for the Social and Emotional Foundations for Early Learning (CSEFEL):

  • A rich site with numerous resources (training scripts, videos, what works briefs, etc) for teachers and families related to children’s developing social emotional development and strategies for dealing with challenging behaviors.


Video of preschoolers demonstrating behavioral expectations – ECLC Common Expectations:



See “Pyramid Model” below in CDE Recommended Trainings in addition to the previous resources.

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