Recommended CDE trainings
1. Strengthening Families
downloadable training materials
2. Center for Disease Control: Learn the Signs. Act Early
free staff training materials, and free, free tools to track milestones and engage families; resources for families as well
3. Pyramid model implemented with practice-based coaching
Training and coaching support by West Ed; https://cainclusion.org/teachingpyramid/ Program components include:
Leadership Team https://cainclusion.org/teachingpyramid/professional-development-components/leadership-team/
Training Modules https://cainclusion.org/teachingpyramid/professional-development-components/training-modules/
Coaching https://cainclusion.org/teachingpyramid/professional-development-components/coaching/
Follow-Up for Sustainability https://cainclusion.org/teachingpyramid/professional-development-components/follow-up-for-sustainability/
Brookes Publishing – online training (no coaching components) https://brookespublishing.com/training/epyramid-online-learning-modules/
Center for the Social Emotional Foundations for Early Learning http://csefel.vanderbilt.edu/
Free resources for trainings for staff and families (in Spanish and English).
Cadre of individuals trained in coaching
The Center on the Social and Emotional Foundations for Early Learning (CSEFEL) is focused on promoting the social emotional development and school readiness of young children birth to age 5. CSEFEL is a national resource center funded by the Office of Head Start and Child Care Bureau for disseminating research and evidence-based practices to early childhood programs across the country.
The Pyramid Model for Supporting Social Emotional Competence in Infants and Young Children. We have developed extensive, user-friendly training materials, videos, and print resources which are available directly from this website to help early care, health and education providers implement this model.
State Partnerships – Visit our states page to find more information about any of our state partners or new resources and information for all states.
4. Inclusive Classroom Profile (ICP)
Brookes Publishing
On-Site Inclusive Classroom Profile Seminar (cost varies) – Level 1 Overview Session; Level 2Classroom Observation Reliability Session https://brookespublishing.com/seminar/inclusive-classroom-profile-icp-seminar/
Free “Introduction to the ICP Webinar” https://brookespublishing.com/training/screening-and-assessment/
5. Embedded Instruction Teaching Practices (California)
6. Beginning Together
“Beginning Together was created in collaboration with the California Department of Education, Early Learning and Care Division (ELCD) and West Ed, Center for Child and Family Studies as inclusion support to the Program for Infant/Toddler Care (PITC).
The purpose of Beginning Together is to ensure that children with special needs are incorporated, and appropriate inclusive practices are promoted, in the training and technical assistance provided by the existing cadre of trainers in California. This is accomplished through a “training of trainers” institute, regional outreach activities, revision/development of written materials, support to institute graduates, and support of inclusive practices in other PITC activities, such as the demonstration programs.”
December 9-11, 2019 in San Diego – Beginning Together Institute for Inclusion Facilitators: https://cainclusion.org/bt/201912-bti/
West Ed https://www.wested.org/project/beginning-together/
7. Inclusion Works! - California Preschool Instructional Network (CPIN)
“Inclusion Works! is a new California Department of Education publication designed to provide guidance on proven strategies that promote belonging and inclusion for all children. This publication was written and developed by California MAP to Inclusion & Belonging… Making Access Possible director, Linda Brault. Building on research and the experience of years of effective implementation, this handbook contains stories and examples, as well as background information and resources that support strategies for successful inclusion. Suggestions for ways to adapt the environment are provided, along with examples of inclusive strategies. A glossary and appendixes make this handbook a practical tool for care providers.”
purchase hard copies of book, or download electric version
download training PowerPoint & trainer’s notes
8. Trauma Informed Care
TIP-EC offers half- and full-day research-based professional development modules about the effects of trauma on young children and trauma-informed practices to support them. You may choose to engage in just one module or use multiple modules as a professional development series.
Description of available modules - https://www.wested.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/TIP-Module-Descriptions.pdf
9. Education coursework specific to early childhood education for children with special needs
10. Other: any other training program upon written submission and prior approval by the CDE
examples might include:
Hanen Program Learning Language and Loving It http://www.hanen.org/Professional-Development/Workshops-for-Educators/Learning-Language-Loving-It-Certification-Workshop.aspx
Education Through Music https://new.richardsinstitute.org